Far from the touristic coast of Campania, Irpinia is a complex and unique land in the Region, a scenery of splendour, hard but generous at the same time, which holds a geography that has allowed to the production of excellent wines over the centuries.
Irpinia is almost half made up of mountains and the remainder of hills. A difficult and rugged area, which for centuries suffered from a closed economy, due mainly to the lack of roads and railways.
The presence of the Apennines therefore leads, in this part of the region, to an almost continental climate, with very cold winters and decisive thermal excursions between day and night even in summer, which directly determine the quality of our fine wines.
Si tratta di una grotta scavata nella roccia tufacea attraversata anticamente da un torrente dalle acque ritenute miracolose e che ha lasciato i segni del suo scorrere sul pavimento in pietra. Ogni anno, l’8 maggio, a Tufo, in occasione dei festeggiamenti del santo patrono del paese, gli abitanti del paese mettono in scena la rappresentazione sacra dell’Opera di San Michele, che racconta la cacciata degli angeli ribelli dal Paradiso, operata da San Michele Arcangelo.
The soils that cover this part of Campania are rich and variegated, consisting mainly of limestone, marls and clays on the surface; enriched with ash and pumice from volcanic eruptions.
For more than three centuries Cantine di Marzo have been able to enhance the particular virtues and uniqueness of our province and the native vines, wisely protected against the invasion of non-Campania vines, much more productive and profitable, with their own vineyards.
In the Sabato valley, located on the border between the territories of the provinces of Avellino and Benevento, Tufo therefore represents the capital of Greco where, in addition to the suggestive vineyards, it is possible to experience first hand the history that has crossed this often forgotten part of Campania.
Tufo was a strategically important fortress in defense of one or another city according to the lords of the time – Lombards and Normans in the first place. The most evident testimony of the Lombard past is the presence of a cave church dedicated to the Archangel Saint Michael